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I live in the “new south” (whatever the heck that means.) Jeff Davis County, Georgia to be exact.
Scott Stantis: one of like 57 white men in Alabama who think of Abraham Lincoln as one of the greatest Americans ever.
The concept of man-made global warming is a complete farce.
This strip is a repeat from 03/09/2005.
WTF are you talking about wantobe? What say has been taken away from anybody anywhere?
I think it is great that Stantis granted that four-year-old’s wish to draw the last image of Carmen for this year’s Prickly City Christmas strip.
Why the lines on Carmen’s face?
Not the corn bread recipe!
He didn’t go to Jared’s.
I live in the “new south” (whatever the heck that means.) Jeff Davis County, Georgia to be exact.