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Dr. Sourpuss says dancing with death is healthy – but just keep moving!
Dr. Sourpuss thinks Yul made a fine Ramases II, but Heston as Moses? Give me a break.
Dr. Sourpus says, well, we’ll see, won’t we?
Dr. Sourpuss misses Jeff.
Dr. Sourpuss dislikes to be interrupted.
Dr. Sourpuss wonders what JtB would make of JtP. “You viper! Who told you to flee from the wrath to come?” Something like that, maybe.
Dr. Sourpuss prefers, “Blessed All Hallow’s Eve.” Is ANYBODY going to church tonight?
Dr. Sourpus LOL!
Dr. Sourpuss wants to know what jingoistic Eaglism has to do with democracy. This child has the right idea, though. Saber-rattling is a way of shaking-down others.
Dr. Sourpuss has mixed feelings about not giving candy to kids for any reason. : )( Brings joy but rots their teeth. Still, …
Dr. Sourpuss says dancing with death is healthy – but just keep moving!