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  1. over 9 years ago on Rob Rogers

    Scalia is a brilliant jurist. He’s an originalist; he does not believe that the Constitution is a “living document”.

  2. over 9 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    I’ll have to say that McCoy did a great caricature of Neville Chamberlain.

  3. over 9 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Here’s the way it is: McCoy is a conservative cartoonist. So, what’s with this day by day clicking to open up his cartoons when you know full well there’s a good chance his cartoon is going to bash Obama?

  4. about 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    I would be willing to wager that if the initiation of those measures that will thwart global warming didn’t directly affect their pocketbook, the global warming skeptics wouldn’t question any of the scientific rationale. All of a sudden, they just wouldn’t care.

    A person has the right to disagree, regardless. Moreover, a person has a right to hoard as much of their money as they can; however, it would be refreshing to hear someone refuting global warming with this candid caveat: “This is another scientific article/study I found that lends doubt to global warming, further justification for our government to not get too hasty and ratify laws that would have an adverse effect on my pocketbook.”

    What other reason is there to refute global warming other than concern about the economic impacts, i.e., personal pocketbook? I’m not aware of any scientific studies that conclude that the initiation of measures to address global warming will have an adverse impact on the natural environment.

  5. about 14 years ago on Shoe

    You’re absolutely right, ses1066. You don’t abuse a single malt scotch.

  6. about 14 years ago on Jim Morin

    After coming in from work and then taking the kids to some type of sporting event, which happens to go on all year long, a lot of folks are content with turning on the flat-screen TV, putting something in the microwave and washing it down with a cold beer. By that time, they’re exhausted and ready to go to bed and start it all over again.

  7. about 14 years ago on Jim Morin

    Unless you’re a petroleum engineer, Trout, I don’t think you can speak with any authority on this subject. How can anyone that has an innate distrust of oil companies provide an unbiased observation? Back when I was in high school and gas rose to a horrendous 35 cents per gallon, people bitched about the oil companies. It’ll never end. By the way, what kind of vehicle do you own?

  8. about 14 years ago on Jim Morin

    What has happened in the Gulf is a tragedy, but it was an accident. The only reason BP and other oil companies drill in the Gulf is that there is a tremendous demand for oil. We all love our cars. I wonder how many of the commenters that criticize oil companies drive an SUV or some other type of gas guzzling behemoth. How big is their carbon footprint? They’re part of the problem!

  9. over 14 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    This cartoon would have been even better had it been Samuel Adams holding a can of his own brew, but who would have recognized a caricature of him? Benjamin Franklin is easily recognized.

  10. over 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    Freedom of speech trumps corporate immorality. If you can limit what corporations can say, you can find a way to limit what I can say. If you can be swayed by a corporate election advertisement, you don’t need to be voting.