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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Nancy

    Or Jiffy Pop. Always like watching the alum bag grow….

  2. almost 14 years ago on Red and Rover

    A very beautiful strip; it points out how much was given, more than we sometimes think of. It helps to bring a new perspective to those who gave EVERYTHING.

  3. about 15 years ago on Overboard

    Its the look, PLUS the sound effect!

  4. over 15 years ago on Overboard

    Bet Gork would rather have two; I doubt he could even taste a mouse dog!

  5. almost 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    FBOFW continues to sadden me since the change….I don’t read it very any more and when I do, I don’t care much about my beloved characters in ‘past’. FBOFW used to be my favorite strip…..

  6. almost 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I hate to say it, but how many places have number to call for the correct time. Good ol AT&T shut ours down years ago!

  7. almost 16 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    I miss the live strip!

  8. about 16 years ago on Overboard

    Jonas probably did the foreclosing; the Captain is over-riding Jonas and letting the mice back…..NOW IF THERE WAS A CAT ON BOARD, THIS WOULD BE A GREAT CONTINUING GAG!!

  9. about 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I only wish this was run a couple months ago….

  10. about 16 years ago on Overboard

    How about the squirrels v the mice for control of the Ship?