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  1. over 16 years ago on Brewster Rockit

    I’m with Shotta. It is racist. No two ways about it. Good “excuse” to tie it in to Planet of the Apes and robot movies– nudge, nudge, wink, wink, yeah, we get it. - Dale got it. runar got it. pookid54 got it. SuperRobot234 and doctortoon tried the “why can’t we all get along” approach. And two of you are just in complete denial because talk of racism makes you uncomfortable (ahem margueritem and RogOregon). Those who deny that it exists or wish it away are part of the problem– maybe even worse than those who are openly racist. I have more respect for those who take a stand one way or the other rather than those who would deny it altogether. Tim Rickard might not even BE a racist. I can’t make that judgement of him. I don’t know him. But he is certainly an intelligent man. And he HAS to have known that his cartoon would be inciteful. Most racism is subtle and not overt or blatant. We don’t look for it. We don’t HAVE to look for it. It either is or it isn’t. We know it when we see it. Problem is, I LOVED Brewster Rockit– until I saw today’s cartoon. I will never look at it the same way again. Very disappointing indeed.