The original story of Pruneface and the MAC retcon took place way before Sam Catchem went to DT City. Then Pruneface died in 1999 after a story in which he was being resuscitated by Dr Krios Freezedrei and another when he was assisted by daughter/ nephew Prunella and Prunehilda. The Prunes all died in 1999. I’d like to know when this story us supposed to be set and if there will be another descendant of the dead Pruneface or if “Boche” is only a codename?
Can we go to sleep till this story Is finished and Trump Is ousted from the Oval Office whatever comes latest? Sorry Eric but Your current story Is making me and others revaluate Dick Locher solo period.
The original story of Pruneface and the MAC retcon took place way before Sam Catchem went to DT City. Then Pruneface died in 1999 after a story in which he was being resuscitated by Dr Krios Freezedrei and another when he was assisted by daughter/ nephew Prunella and Prunehilda. The Prunes all died in 1999. I’d like to know when this story us supposed to be set and if there will be another descendant of the dead Pruneface or if “Boche” is only a codename?