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Penguinassassin007 Free

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  1. over 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    You need another two digits. How about 1-800-PIZZA4U?

  2. over 13 years ago on FoxTrot


  3. over 13 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Bagpipes? Are you kidding? Bagpipes are amazing.

  4. over 15 years ago on Lio

    Sybil is a beast…. That cat is gonna rule the world, someday….

  5. over 15 years ago on Free Range

    Answer to the Ultimate Question:


    Ultimate Question:

    What is 6x9?

  6. over 15 years ago on Garfield

    I predict a new trend…..

  7. almost 16 years ago on Wizard of Id

    He wants to live in Id because he’s an *id*iot

  8. almost 16 years ago on Bliss

    I’m surprised nobody said this yet…..

    Well, I guess you really are what you eat!

  9. almost 16 years ago on Frank and Ernest

    Welcome back, runar!

  10. almost 16 years ago on Shoe

    Love the pig on the front of the podium.