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  1. about 15 years ago on Steve Kelley

    Private companies do not try to win our business by competition; they use guns to force us to buy. That’s why we need to ban guns. Government is not about control; everything is voluntary, like the voluntary income tax we have.

    End the Stupidity Stop Electing Democratics, Elect More Marxists.

  2. about 15 years ago on Steve Benson

    Henri – ‘US’ would be mankind, human beings, the individual. In America the individual reigns supreme through the Constitution. We do not worship or respect Governments or States. Politicians work for “US”, we are not their servants. We are offended by Tyrants, Dictators, and Authoritarians. At times we become so offended by the brutality that we rise up and strike them down. Not because of hate or love of war, but because we care for and love our fellow man. Hopefully you would fight to stop a tyrant from standing on my neck as I would for you.

    Humphries – I’ve felt the ground shake at Ben Hua, partied in Saigon, seen the Ho chi Minh Clock in Nakhom Phanom, seen families living in foxholes with the guards in Phnom Penh, seen the sunny beaches of Hue, seen fishing nets in the bay at Da Nang, seen Rolling Thunder and monsoons over Ubon, Udorn, and Korat, seen buffs lumbering off the beaches of Utapoa. Mostly I’ve seen friendly beautiful people everywhere I went, maybe we met, I always had a big smile. They are beautiful places. I also felt sad for the 3 million murdered when we abandoned them.

    I’ve seen a man on all fours in the middle of the road being beaten by police in Sicily because he caused an accident; seen mandatory roadblocks in England where police check your papers and inspect your car, then fine you 40 pounds each because your windshield wash was not full or a tire had low pressure. They can pretty much enter your house at anytime for the good of society. Oh how I miss the authority and security of the Motherland (or Fatherland).

  3. about 15 years ago on Steve Benson

    Veterans of Foreign Wars - “V” means Victory. Killing the Bastards that attack us until they give up and start acting like human beings. War wins Peace. Obma - “V” means the American military is a bunch of killing bastards. We need to send a basket of flowers and apologize to any dictators we may have offended. We didn’t mean to point out that they brutalize their people. Peace not War. Kum Ba Yah.

  4. about 15 years ago on Matt Davies

    Income Tax. The greatest pox foisted on humanity from the mind of my namesake. It means: you have no privacy from the government. We can’t do good things for the needy if we don’t have access to your money. Dear Leader wants to do a lot of good for the disadvantaged minions. The IRS is like community organizing. They may have to break a few eggs.

  5. about 15 years ago on Chan Lowe

    We are entitled to free transportation; it’s a constitutional right. CEO’s run car companies to generate profits on the backs of the needy. We don’t need car companies. With The Great OncE in control of Government Motors and Trillions of dollars confiscated from the Future No Longer Rich, he will give us the free cars we’re entitled to. We only have to help the Socialist Demon Lords hang on to power. Dear Leader promised it. Hope and Change.

  6. about 15 years ago on Gary Markstein

    These poor souls have been the victims of Rich Capitalists and CEO’s. It is only fair that they reap some benefit. We need to tax the Internet and use the money to provide food for children who sometimes go without to satiate the need for video games. Clearly these individuals would have benefited from this entitlement.

    Praise Our Dear Leader. Hope and Change.

  7. about 15 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Obma needs to bus more minions to help prop up the State Controlled media. Media Elites are supposed to be worshipped, not terrorized with opposing opinions. A Free Press might spell Disaster for the Great OncE. If you’re a minion that may loose an entitlement, quickly get on the nearest bus to show your support. Also brush up a fantastic sad story of neediness for our friends in the media. Dear Leader needs us.

  8. about 15 years ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    I see the similarity. Capitalists are a fact of nature like flies. Authoritarians hate these flies. The American system has allowed them to multiply. Now Dear Leader is going to squash them.

  9. about 15 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Crybaby CEO. College should be free to anyone who needs indoctrination. Obma should invent a Czar to oversee Dumb Boards to select students with the greatest need. Housing should also be free. We need a Czar to dictate housing assignments with Bed Boards. Take big houses from the filthy rich and give them to needy homeless families. That’s how to use government. These are Democratic Rites.

  10. about 15 years ago on Marshall Ramsey

    Well, I guess that is what he promised. Everybody rides and the greedy wealthy rich pays. Yeah for the Great Once and the free ride on Obomunism One.