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  1. about 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I love the drawing but the stories are the most confusing I have seen in years. They should go back and look at Chester Gould’s stories and notice how they sometimes lasted 2-3 months and didn’t jump all over the map. I don’t think I have ever seen so many jumps in story lines as I have since the new fellows took over. It seems they are focusing on a Sesame Street reader mentality, short attention span and don’t confuse them with continuity or exposition of what is happening. Just image after image. Go back to what makes a continuing comic strip interesting: a great story.

  2. about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Dick Tracy has been one of my favorite comics since I was an 8 year old kid in 1950. The current plot line with the robots is probably the dumbest story since Moon Maid. Go back to the intricate plots and long plots like Flattop and Pruneface and Big Boy. I wish we could go back to the four panel strip which provided better story and charactor development (but more drawing). I feel like the stories today are too superficial and too short. Tracy is a detective but doesn’t do much detective work. Drawing is great, but the plots lines are thin and short.