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Recent Comments

  1. over 15 years ago on Lio

    Had a friend who always referred to this as “shooting bunnies”… think Lio took it a step farther! LOL

  2. almost 16 years ago on Baldo

    Should be interesting to see what happens. My son was in a similar situation – also working for an auto parts store – good worker, conscientious, and reliable, doing most of the work and getting none of the credit. He was just laid off this week. :-(

  3. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    calvinandquestionmark, Char, and massha, in addition to the methods Mr. Wiley and others have mentioned, you can try these keyboard shortcuts: Press the Ctrl key and the + key down to enlarge the screen – you can do this more than once to keep enlarging. Press the Ctrl key and the - key to reduce the screen, again more than once will keep reducing. Press the Ctrl key and the 0 (number zero, NOT letter O) to return the screen to the normal size.

  4. over 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Ummmm… that’s one of the problems in this country. We have elections twice a year EVERY year – they’re called primaries and general elections. People need to pay more attention to who they elect locally – every politician gets their start somewhere! Don’t just wait till 2012… there’s another election coming this spring!