My mother, born in 1919, grew up with Krazy and Ignatz. She told me about them and how New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia would read the comics on the radio.
This is a comic strip. I like it. I like the characters, some more than others (think Ann Eiffel), but she gets a funny comeuppance once in a while. I am especially enjoying the whole college crowd, even Stef. They all need some maturation, but that’s life. Their stories are our stories long ago. I simply do not grok all the trolling, the outraged indifference, the “nothing-to-see-here-move-along” attitude in these comments. I read the strip because I enjoy it. Once in a while, I add a strip, read it for a time, decide it’s not for me, and remove it from my list. I bet I know what Dez would say about all the complaining; she’d say it in her inimitable, kind, and gentle way, but she’d make it clear: If you don’t like it, why read it?