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LOL…Very accurate depiction of facial expressions! LOL
Hmmm… I think Dean is going to stay in jail for quite a while if it were up to these two! Hang ten buddy, I’m jus gettin my cape n boots!!!
(Ya have to admit that we all have moments like these ‘NO I MEAN IT, WE REALLY SHOULD…’ and then nothing happens…LOL)
LMAO! Good one, Randy_B!
Careful not to bite your tail in a moment of absentmindedness, Garfield…
Whoa, way-to-go Frankie buddy! I’m sure your tactic to exclaim your robust masculinity will guarantee you success with this mission!
Hmmm…wonder what flavour cookie it is? Probably Chocolate Chip… I heard it’s a common favourite amongst Americans
Dad’s expression in the third pane…priceless!
“Need an animal ambulance? Call Pizza Palance!”
This took a surprising twist! Yeay Hobbes!
I can see the headlines: REMAKE OF SILENCE OF THE LAMBS -Starring Gweedo Murray as ‘Buffalo Bill’
LOL…Very accurate depiction of facial expressions! LOL