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  1. over 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    sigh Well, I tried my best. Sorry for the overlong comments, but one of my pet peeves are the people who seem to have “Calvin and Hobbes” confused with “For better or For Worse.”

  2. over 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Ahh…Jrot, you bring up a good point. In the very beginning of the strip, and Watterson himself has commented on this, he made it so that Susie and Calvin DID sort of have a “love” relationship. However, as the strip progressed, Watterson realized that this was not how he wanted their relationship to be, so it changed to more of a “simply annoyed by one another” relationship. At the airing of this particular strip, as well as the majority of the strips, the latter was how their relationship was conveyed. So, I can see how some people, who have only read the early strips, would seem to think that Calvin and Susie are somehow “desperately in love” with one another. And yes, tabylynn, “go play in the microwave” is one of the best insults ever.

  3. over 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Mr. Prongs, your future predictions are completely and utterly rediculous. For starters, “Calvinball having rules?” That goes against everything calvin stands for. Furthermore,your final comments are so preposterous, I laughed out loud when I read them. They complete each other. You said, “I also think Calvin is aware of liking Susie more than other girls, and is so confused he blames her for it, and lashes out at her for making him like a girl. Yet through it all, Susie always comes back to him. She knows there’s decency in him towards her, and wants to bring it out when they’re together.” This is a comic about a six-year-old, not a soap opera! The entire “Calvin marries Susie” thing is possibly debatable, but I personally believe that it wouldn’t happen. Calvin certainly does not “like” Susie.