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  1. over 14 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Where’s the big kid, Andy? Seems like he’s in the strip mostly on weekends. Don’t recall seeing him this month.

  2. over 15 years ago on Annie

    Dogmore, didn’t you mean “young’uns”?

  3. over 15 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Strange!? I thought the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to people who actually did something to promote or preserve peace. Theodore Roosevelt brought Japan and Russia together to end a war in 1905. Herbert Hoover was a great humanitarian who did what he could to relieve the Communist generated famine in the Ukraine back in the ’20s. Didn’t Mother Teresa get one also for her work with the poor of the world? Others also have actually done some work to promote peace. WHAT THE HELL HAS OBAMA OR GORE DONE TO EVEN REMOTELY COMPARE TO THESE AND OTHER PREVIOUS WINNERS OF THIS PRIZE???!!!! Alfred Nobel must be turning over in his grave. By the way, if you so-called “Progressives” bother to tune in to PBS or read the liberal press, you just might find that there’s an equal amount of criticism on the Democrap side as well. Check the English paper The Telegraph. They’re wondering WTF also?

  4. over 15 years ago on Garfield

    Been away for a few days. Just saw Sunday’s strip. Still LMAO!!

  5. over 15 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    LOL. Reminds me of when my folks brought us to our grandparents and there was an party for the adults that evening. Big family gathering. We little kids and our cousins were put to bed but kept sneaking down to steal snacks and watch the fun. Grandma was as smart and shrewd as she was lovable and generous. She asked all us kids into the kitchen for some milk and cookies “if you promise to go straight to bed and stay there”. Naturally we said yes and after we finished, we went back upstairs with the intention of more mischief. Grandma and the Mons tucked us in again, but unknown to us “Da Old Lady slipped us a Mickey”. It was about a teaspoon of wine in a 10 oz glass of milk. We were dead to the world until mid morning. I got the story from my Mom when I reached adulthood. I always loved Grandma and now you know why.

  6. over 15 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    I agree with oldlegodad. Acorn sucks. How helpless do you have to be if you can’t go to city hall or other voter registration location, produce your id or proof of residence, and register. If you don’t know where to go, get to your local library and use one of their computers, look up your town, and search on voter registration. Geez!

  7. over 15 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Would you believe 2 Redcoats in a rowboat? ,,, With a salute and props to Don Adams of “Get Smart” TV fame back in the day.

  8. over 15 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Geez people! Grow up and grow a spine! Exercise your personal responsibility and get this done yourselves. Everyone knows they’re going to die sometime. Any living person today, who is literate, and not living in a vacuum, should already know about health care directives, living wills, trusts, power of attorney, etc. We didn’t need any government to tell us, or “counsel” us about “end-of-life” planning. It took a reasonable attorney only a short time to create all the documents we needed. That included our appointment, and any phone calls, questions, and e-mails. Total cost was about $1500.00. Different situations may cost more or less. Many can be done for about $1000.00 or less. Simple wills can be even cheaper. It all depends on your situation and location. That’s a lot cheaper than the taxes it will take to pay for government interference and bungling. We didn’t need any government (read “tax”) supported “counseling”, and neither does anyone else. Why would they? Information is already available on-line or at your library.

  9. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    mrbribery Maybe they’ll connect it to Diet Smith.

  10. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Geez! I just remembered why Big Ace looked so familiar. Anybody remember “The Brow”? Goes back in the day when I was a kid. Chester Gould still drew the strip.