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Sure is… how the heck would a cat place a monopoly on the world’s supply of lasagna…
Maybe the outgoing main man in the White House should apply the same in his life as Calvin said at the end…
Poor old Fred… Ban crackers, that’s what we say…
Whatever you do, don’t complain to the newspapers, especially if you’ve been drinking… They might twist the truth and accuse you of being a member of ALKY-DA…
Out of the mouths of babes… Priceless…
Can’t keep a good dog down, right Fred?
Called his mom a bimbo? Yes, that’s what he said! Does he think he’s Rambo? Slap him round the head!
Just be thankful it ain’t ALL-BRAN, Calvin, ‘cos then it’d be a case of “When you gotta go, you gotta go”…
Don’t worry Fred, we know you’re butch. She forced you in there… At least YOU don’t have to go in there because you must…
Love the tough look, Hobbes! Go scratch Moe’s eyes out! Wait a minute… Moe ain’t got any eyes, er… Go scratch Moe’s hair out, Hobbes!
Sure is… how the heck would a cat place a monopoly on the world’s supply of lasagna…