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Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    Creepy! Of course, obviously she was just asking for it. His power and authority over her and her intoxication played no role. In many states depending on her age this was statutory rape. In most, her incapacity due to intoxication makes it first degree rape, even if she is of age. Sadly common on campuses but way worse when committed by faculty. Breathed, I know you were a college boy when you drew this with all the creepy misogyny that implies, but do you really want to advertise what a sexist jerk you were at that age just for a few minor royalties?

    Your last several strips featured sexist male fantasy themes. (Take me!)? Young guys views about female sexuality are notoriously infantile. But when the guys grow up the often (sometimes?) reaction is to grow up. If you have, then maybe you should stop advertising your youthful infantile misogyny. It offends many. Or, maybe that’s just you.

  2. about 13 years ago on Basic Instructions

    Best strip ever! (….“Reorganization of debt to readers”…)!