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- almost 16 years ago on Dana Summers
almost 16 years ago
on Dana Summers
Clinton and Obama can’t handle the problems without blaming everything on their predecessors. Bush didn’t blame Clinton for the garbage handed to him…he just dealt with it. So far this year when the market goes up it is because of Obama but the next day it goes down and then it is because of Bush.
almost 16 years ago
on Nick Anderson
At least Rush’s listeners can remember the facts without it having to be written right in front of them…like Obama
almost 16 years ago
on Pat Oliphant
Do you mean the CD gaffe of giving the wrong type of CDs that can’t be played in the UK
The fact he gave CDs as a gift to a head of state instead of a thought out gift gaffe
The “I’m too plum tired to even give a correct reception to a head of state” gaffe
The returning of the gift the UK gave to us after 911 gaffe
The Special Olympics gaffe
Appointing tax cheats to his administration and having them drop out from embarrassment gaffe
almost 16 years ago
on Chip Bok
What is worse, having a recession or deflating our dollar to 1/2 its worth?
almost 16 years ago
on Clay Bennett
motivemagus what is not accurate? All dates and numbers along with timelines are very accurate. Taking away free speech by extermination?
almost 16 years ago
on Chip Bok
danielsangeo you better do some research on Enron and see where the ties and trouble lead to, give you a hint…Clinton.
“He’s keeping his promises” you mean like no pork in budgets?
Obamas budget is three times larger than Bushes ever was. You want to blame a 400 billion dollar budget deficit as an excuse to spend 2 trillion dollars we will never have? The economy has a 92% employment rate but it is as bad as the Great Depression, Bush is to blame for everything. Obama has to grow up soon, he cannot keep pushing blame for everything onto Bush. If he can’t handle the job he should never have ran.
You seem to totally forget who the people were that made the laws that put us into the place we are now…a bunch of democrats.
almost 16 years ago
on Clay Bennett
Not true. Assuming that all judges base rulings upon party lines and not established law is short sighted. Funny that is the same concern that conservatives have with the gun control laws but you dismiss that as settled. I see a bigger push to try to outlaw guns than I see making abortion illegal at the present moment. They are both there and both possible to overturn from previous law.
almost 16 years ago
on Pat Oliphant
Never once did China or Russia have to warn Regan or Bush to stop going down an economic road because it would ruin OUR economy and deflate the value of OUR currency like they have done with Obama.
almost 16 years ago
on Clay Bennett
Then why do Dems use abortion as a hot button issue when that is also legal?
Bush has it no better and handled it better than Obama, all Obama is doing is setting any failed result up to blame Bush. You cannot give Bush the blame for the bad when Obama has only been in office 60 days but yet give Obama the credit for good economic news when only in office for 60 days. Maybe you can if you disregard reality.