Funny picture cat fail

spacelady_76 Free

I was like Calvin till i "learned to be normal"...wish i hadnt!

Recent Comments

  1. about 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    It doesnt matter how you thank someone for a gift, just do it!! I have a nieice who returns everything she gets because it’s not her style or what ever….one year when Grandma had not a lot for money she got a gift of a calendar and some kitchen pot holders. When she opened it her comment was “oh great, another F*ing calendar i will never use!” What an ungrateful ingrate and she was in her 20’s at the time!! Definietly old enought to know better!! Imagine how that hurt Grandma’s feelings. She still …6 years later… has not learned how to be gracious or grateful!!! I guess she never heard that it is the thought that counts!! (and btw…her Mom, my sister in law, is the same way! Guess the apple really doesnt fall far from the tree in this case! And I know her Mom DID NOT learn it from Grandma!!) I could tell you more stories …but that would take all day!

  2. about 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin is my fav. comic of all times! Right up there with Charlie Brown & Snoopy! I wish we could all be as free to imagine as Calvin. There are too many restrictions in the adult world! If we could all be free to be ourselves without worry as to if the rest of the world thinks we are nuts or not!! He is un inhibited and in his own way brave. And i say screw the psych. books….he is wonderful the way he is!!

  3. over 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin is a hoot!! Anyone who has an ADHD child will appreciate this comic! I have been a fan for years and really missed Calvin when they stopped printing a daily comic in the local papers! GO CALVIN! Oh, and Hobbes too!