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  1. almost 16 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    This is ditchwizard’s friend suerisa – I’m with the folks loving this story. The drawing is beautiful. Jim S. never uses “store-bought” fill-in textures or tones. He draws every line with India ink. These portraits are so well observed and from every angle. Gertie’s eyes are wide but she is looking inward. Her visions of Bird show the tender side of him she’s tuned in to. The dollar portrait – a nice reference to Obama ! An amazingly steady output of ideas in ink. Thanks Jim !

  2. almost 16 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    ‘Angel Eyes’ is one of my favorite older jazz tunes. Somewhat obscure to the general music audience. Jim is a bluegrass fiddler so I’m impressed he referenced both those great tunes.