From these comments come what seems to be a common Conservative theme: the incomplete solution.
Lot’s of pointing out what is wrong with the implied solution of “to solve it, quit doing it”, but forgetting the base issue that the “socialist” solution addresses: too many underemployed / underemployed people and no jobs.
If you want to look at an example of what the Conservative solution implied in these comments would look like, take a look at some of the African nations, say, Somalia.
Feel free to escape the chains and bonds of living in a socialist America and move to Somalia, where you can practice your “I’ve got mine, screw you, get your own” lifestyle. I bet there will be some serious thinking about the whole problem then. That is, if you are still around when a have not gets his by taking yours.
No need to even bring up compassion. No Conservative gene for that.
This strip is sooooo comical on sooooo many levels. I read it for the same reason I periodically watch Fox News; to see how screwed up the right’s views are, and to enjoy some comic relief.
BTW, if you want to see voter suppression, look at how the districts have been gerrymandered by the current house members.
got the knots wrong. A bowline is a handy utility knot. It GETS STRONGER with might want to consider the trucker’s tiedown, or "highwayman’s hitch ". That’s quick release
Moonie rules! Who? Right!