Many moons ago, when I was about seven, my elementary school served hot lunch consisting of a hot dog (sausage?), sauerkraut, and instant mashed potatoes (ick!). The only way I could stomach any of it was to mix the kraut, which I hated, and the potatoes, which I also hated, together and then cut up the hot dog and use it as a makeshift scoop. Precursor to my love of bubble and squeak.
Many moons ago, when I was about seven, my elementary school served hot lunch consisting of a hot dog (sausage?), sauerkraut, and instant mashed potatoes (ick!). The only way I could stomach any of it was to mix the kraut, which I hated, and the potatoes, which I also hated, together and then cut up the hot dog and use it as a makeshift scoop. Precursor to my love of bubble and squeak.