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But that means there are no more, and when paired with the word ‘ever’… No it doesn’t even bare thinking about!
Squishy Worm Thing is gonna Clobber Flappy Spider Bird. That was such a great Marvel story arc ;-)
I think Stan would have gone for this.
And only Marigold being magical is immune to it :)
I think the Wiz confused abilities with traits. Personally I can’t see many useful abilities in a fly other than flying, make me a wasp any day ;-)
Time to move in with Jack, this is comparatively haute cuisine.
I was made for the Dark Side.
Would you like her if it was your last cupcake?
This is equivalent to men complaining to women that they didn’t raise the seat after they have finished. Which is why the floor is now wet.
Slacker! ;-)
Government and Big Business, but not Society :-(
But that means there are no more, and when paired with the word ‘ever’… No it doesn’t even bare thinking about!