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  1. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    No teaguemj, I am fine. I am also used to people arguing about nothing and not getting good cartoons or good journalism. I have watched the majority of Liberals/Progressives cheer on Shock and Awe while I protested, and I understand that the majority will continue to miss the point. Look, there’s another shiny object, t!

  2. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    These comments are exactly as effective as thinking “about starting a Liberal blog in ‘06”.

    Whether you are still blissed from November or you are outraged about the Wall Street bailouts,


    Demand that we investigate the Bush Crime Family now. Take to the streets to force the new president to act. Look at what a couple dozen Republican staffers did with one protest at the Miami-Dade County polling headquarters in 2001.

    If the Stock Market was at 4000 and everyone had money to burn, the wise men would be saying we shouldn’t investigate because it might upset the boat.

    For years, the moderates said we shouldn’t impeach. Within the group who thought we should impeach, there were Internet forces causing us to waste energy and time. The 9/11 guys (true-believers and Rove’s crew) said we should not impeach because there was a coup, and then the PNAC people allowed us to get attacked by a handfull of Saudis, and then they scuttled a CIA anti-WMD operation to discredit a critic of their plans to attack a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. No, we should all be outraged that the Twin Towers really were blown up by hidden charges, the 757s were really flown by the CIA, it was an “inside job” all the way.

    If you need amazing stories like that to get outraged, you are useless.

    People should still be outraged that we went into Iraq, and the events surrounding that choice. Plame-Wilson, the 2000 coup, all the brain injuries and amputations that we are letting continue. Remember the veterans sleeping under bridges? Think there will be fewer now? The election fraud. These are still the reasons to be outraged. But all that’s so 2008 now.

    My property! My retirement!

    Being outraged for all the 2009 reasons is even better for the Republicans than just being blissed out that Pelosi and the Dems answered Martin Luther King’s dream.

    Instead of being “Activists” by blogging and posting arguments why we should focus on this rather than that, everyone demand hearings.

    It’s the same thing we should have done in 2001, 2002, 2003,…2008.

    Look at the political cartoons getting phased out. Look at the Progressive talk radio stations being closed. Even in D.C.! Someone is blissed out, or thinks we should stop thinking about protesting.

  3. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Pretty excellent, really.

    “Marched in ‘03, thought about starting a Liberal Blog in ‘06. Now your activism has paid off”

    All the Internet Activists, all the “leaders” like MoveOn and John Conyers, are failures or imposters.

    The Internet has turned out to be a very interesting waste of time. All the blogging, all the exchange of opinions by all the peers - didn’t it really serve to keep people sitting on their well-networked butts?

    Internet Political Activists are a sad parody of Political Activists, IMHO.

    I could go on about the apt criticisms in the rest of the cartoon, and maybe I will later.

  4. over 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    Cardinal Roger Mahony is waiting in line to sit on his lap. When the Pope was just a Cardinal, and Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he and Mahony covered up abuse cases. Read Taught to Believe the Unbelievable by Sister Jane Kelly.

  5. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    If we have trillions for the rich and powerful, how about a billion or two to expand homeless shelters and food pantries across the nation? Gates and Clinton and Holder and Powell and a recovering alcoholic as Drug Czar? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/27/AR2008112702048.html