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  1. over 14 years ago on Zack Hill

    Vets buy the human pacemakers of those who have passed away. The cost to the vet is $500. May the vet in this strip have a heart … and an easy payment plan.

  2. over 14 years ago on Zack Hill

    MisngNOLA, I so understand your position. When our “Ladie” and “Motley” passed away. We realized, as senior citizens we could not financially or emotionally have another pet. If we could not pay [even with pet insurance] to save our little pets, then we should not adopt them in the first place. Of course, we all know that Cagney will “survive” this story line, however, it is a very sensitive episode which brings back sad memories for most pet owners.

  3. over 14 years ago on Shoe

    True, AKH, but what fodder are they giving to Letterman, Leno, Fallon, etc. They all are a laughing-stock, except the bills that are becoming law are not funny to us at all. And they [the elected politicians] will be laughing all the way to the bank for the rest of their lives due to their life-long salaries with benefits … whether they are re-elected or not.

  4. over 14 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    I would like to make a comment, but I must wait and ask permission from my husband.

  5. over 14 years ago on Flo and Friends

    I hope he/she was not in one of my high school Geography classes … and if she/he had been in one of my classes … I hope I flunked him. :-) This lack of knowledge is because many schools no longer teach geography.

  6. over 14 years ago on Pluggers

    A friend of mine [a man] was about to throw some trash out his car window as he was driving over the George Washington Bridge and since the sun was low in the sky and shining right into his eyes he decide to put on his sunglasses. Okay so you are way ahead of me … LOL … yes, he threw his sunglasses out the car window instead of his trash. There is a time when all of us reach an age where you can no longer do three things at once. I think he would rather have left them in the fridge. Replacing Tri-focal sunglasses is so expensive.

  7. almost 15 years ago on Flo and Friends

    We have used our cell-phones during black-outs because our cell phone tower has not been included in our neighborhhood black-outs. We have been told the same by our neighbors who told us that our cell phone tower supplies I-95 and as long as the lights on I-95 have power we will have cell-phone power. However, if the lights on I-95 go out, so will our cell-phones. This is a truly interesting fact to this little old gray-haired lady who now keeps her eyes trained on the Inter-state by binoculars.

  8. about 15 years ago on Pluggers

    I love “gross”. The cartoon “critters” in this strip are always “grossly” happily married, “grossly” loving one another, and “grossly” serving (literally) one another. So what if they are “grossly” more to love? In their world “Pluggers” don’t get divorced, don’t get lonely, and live happily ever after. “Pluggers”, look inside the book, not just at the cover. It is a great strip, I hope they don’t change a thing, especially the weight of the “Pluggers”!

  9. about 15 years ago on Pluggers

    Hey, when your back is out, who can reach a phone … that is what your spouse is for.

  10. about 15 years ago on Pluggers

    Hey guys, it is the first comic strip in history to show MY life every night … that is why I always have a little more merlot; it is my clue that I am not going to get lucky that night. But I love my Bear so much. P.S. And yes, at my age, my roo-boobs are no longer there either. But my Bear loves me anyway.