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  1. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I’d like to address this to YouWereWarned. I was on an annual salary so regardless the number of hours I worked I received the same base salary. However, I usually worked between 50 and 60 hours per week in the office, plus another 2-4 hours per day at home. Therefore, my hourly salary, including bonus, was approx. $40. per hour. Also, Keabu’1, I am also a veteran who served 4 years in the US Navy serving overseas for one year and aboard a carrier for three. When I was discharged from the service, I used the GI Bill to help pay for college while I worked full time and attended classes full time. I did my part.

  2. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Dear Sirs,

    I am writing to you to address your heartless and “least sympathetic comic strip”. I was recently laid-off by JPMorgan Chase and do not see the humor in your comic. I have over 20 years experience working in the financial industry rising from the clerical staff to Vice President by working my butt off and protecting not only the customer but the financial system itself. Over the years I have gone to work sick, through transit strikes and after spending the night in the emergency room with a sick child. Not all of us “got rich” working in the financial industry but we all felt satisfaction doing our jobs to the best of our ability. I personally did not get guaranteed annual raises but made due with raises after 18 to 24 months. This was to prevent lay-offs when times got bad. However, as we had our raises pushed back, the executive management teams got their huge bonuses. The workers who got laid-off did not cause the current poor economic situation. It was greed not found only in the finance industry but in many other industries, for example the auto industry. I believe that you owe us an apology and a retraction of your asinine comic. Either that or come to Long Island so I can whip your ass. Happy Holidays.