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  1. almost 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    alife says: Guess he Doesn’t Need to repent :0000

    Are people really this stupid? Last time I checked, no body except God can tell you what a sin is. Just because the Pope thinks he’s God doesn’t make it so.

    The Catholic church needs to get down off its collective high-horse

  2. almost 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Sorry Joy….

    We need more than food and shelter. Life is not worth living without joy (no pun intended). Things don’t bring happiness, but many things in life do afford us the ability to interact with our friends and family. Many of the gadgets that exist such as phones, computers, the Internet allow that. As far as the comic goes, there’s always bleeep that no one really needs or even thinks about until he/she sees it.

    Why do you think people in marketing have jobs? They tell us what we should want…not what we should need.

  3. almost 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I’m sorry, but I find this to true. While I feel for anyone who has lost his or her job…I don’t believe a VP at any level in an organization is completely blameless. wvandenburgh…you made significantly more money than many of the people around you. You mentioned working your way up. Unfortunately, most businesses don’t afford workers that opportunity today. To get into banking these days you have to be from a top school or already have 20 years of experience. There were workers all around you living paycheck to paycheck that didn’t have the bonuses or the high base salary that you probably did. What are they supposed to do? I have more sympathy for them than I do for you. You probably made enough that you could have been debt free and had at least a years salary put in savings for just such an emergency. As far as military experience goes…I served as well…like you for 4 years. However, I have many friends and family members who have served considerably longer. Their jobs are no safer than anyone elses’ right now. They certainly aren’t making what they’re worth at their jobs. I don’t think you can compare your 4 years of service to someones 20+.