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Looks to be a couple of fingers short already.
This comic is showing its age. He wants one of those huge rear screen projection models. Wait for the flat screen to be invented Paul!
Another reason to move down south with their son. The leaves are still green. Fall arrives in December, and winter waits until January.
Curiously, I have not gotten a single piece of mail from any candidate for any office this year.
In Texas, kids have already finished their 2nd week of school. The school year really varies in different parts of the country.
I was in London for her 50th Jubilee, and we thought that was remarkable. Wow for 70! Go Liz.
Listening to her play now! A true virtuoso! Interested where this story line is going.
Where was the big ending, and good-bye?
I just started reading this feature, and am liking it. Can anyone explain why the unicorn has a cow tail?
The colourist already took a week off earlier this month!
Looks to be a couple of fingers short already.