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  1. about 8 years ago on The New GoComics Arrives Next Week!

    I agree with many things that WEBOHJY and other PC users have stated. I too am a PC user — and a PC user ONLY. I don’t have a portable computer of any kind, and I don’t intend ever to have one. I have been a daily visitor to the excellent “current” site for as long as it has existed — and I was a daily visitor to the predecessor site for years before that. I would estimate that I have viewed hundreds of thousands of strips by now.

    Yesterday, I tried a couple of aspects of the “beta” version, and they absolutely discourage me so badly that I feel disgusted. PLEASE, PLEASE leave the old “legacy” site up permanently, for us “old-timers.”

    The enlargement of strips (and moving them down the page) truly ruin the viewing experience for me by causing much extra hand-movement and waste of time. I used to be able to call for a strip and read it immediately. Now I have to scroll down to see my strip [by dragging the scroll bar or tapping the down-arrow repeatedly] — and that is true even with my window “maximized.” (Normally, for good reasons, my window is not maximized, but is spread to about 90% of the screen size — making the beta version even worse for me to use.)

    I use the old A-to-Z list from time to time, and I have NEVER had any trouble with it. The new method causes me to do more work. Please retain the old A-Z list as an option [labeled, “All comics, A to Z, listed on one page”], if you are unwilling to keep the entire, current, “PC-friendly” site for loyal folks like me.

    As WEBOHJY stated, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The site was NOT broken whatsoever before, but you will break it if you impose the changes on everyone! Please don’t make the intended, rash move on January 9. Please take more time to think this through and to act wisely.

  2. about 8 years ago on The New GoComics Arrives Next Week!

    Bonita, I am “of the older generation,” but I HATE “the larger-sized comics.” The smaller comics (which could easily be enlarged, if necessary) would fit in my window without downward scrolling. The larger strips do NOT fit in my window and force me to scroll. The gocomics programmers should be forced to fix this fiasco by offering us a permanent option of decreasing the size of strips to the old size — that is, an option that will be “remembered” by being stored in our cookie.

  3. about 8 years ago on The New GoComics Arrives Next Week!

    Absolutely correct — “too much white space” — contributing to the new ugliness of the pages.

  4. about 8 years ago on The New GoComics Arrives Next Week!

    I agree with both points in your final sentence.

  5. about 8 years ago on What's Changed and What Hasn't - an FAQ

    I agree with almost everything that WEBOHJY stated. I too am a PC user — and a PC user ONLY. I have been a daily visitor to the excellent “current” site for as long as it has existed — and I was a daily visitor to the predecessor site for years before that. I would estimate that I have viewed hundreds of thousands of strips by now.

    Just now, I tried a couple of aspects of the “beta” version, and they absolutely discourage me so badly that I feel disgusted. PLEASE, PLEASE leave the old “legacy” site up permanently, for us “old-timers.”

    The enlargement of strips (and moving them down the page) truly ruin the viewing experience for me by causing much extra hand-movement and waste of time. I used to be able to call for a strip and read it immediately. Now I have to scroll down to see my strip [by dragging the scroll bar or tapping the down-arrow repeatedly] — and that is true even with my window “maximized.” (Normally, for good reasons, my window is not maximized, but is spread to about 90% of the screen size — making the beta version even worse for me to use.)

    I use the A-Z list from time to time, and I have NEVER had any trouble with it. The new method causes me to do more work. Please retain the old A-Z list as an option [labeled, “All comics, A to Z, listed on one page”], if you are unwilling to keep the entire, current, “PC-friendly” site for loyal folks like WEBOHJY and me.

    As WEBOHJY stated, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The site was NOT broken whatsoever before, but you will break it if you impose the changes on everyone! Please don’t make the intended, rash move on January 9. Please take more time to think this through and to act wisely.

  6. about 8 years ago on Shoecabbage

    As happens about nine out of ten times in comic strips, when an artist attempts to depict Rodin’s “The Thinker,” he/she makes an error. The Thinker’s right elbow is supposed to be on his LEFT knee, not on his right knee.

  7. about 8 years ago on That's Life

    With a “carrot-transplant,” it wouldn’t be a “Frosty look-alike.” According to the lyrics of the song, Frosty the Snowman had a “BUTTON nose.”

  8. about 8 years ago on B.C.

    Mastroianni and Hart are ignorant of an important fact, as are so many other people. The largest church in the world — the one in Vatican City — is NOT a “cathedral.” It is the BASILICA of St. Peter. A cathedral is the home church of a bishop — and the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) is NOT St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. Rather, it is the Cathedral of St. John Lateran (in Rome).

  9. over 8 years ago on Back to B.C.

    “Yoo hoo! I have a new innovation to show you.” Uh, no, Mr. Hart. The quoted statement is redundant, because every “innovation,” by definition, is “new.” The word is derived from the Latin, “novus,” which means “new.”

  10. over 8 years ago on Ziggy

    The ‘Save the Earth “Fact,”’ published in 1990, was utter nonsense. Sadly, ultra-left-wing folks like Tom Wilson have always let themselves be brainwashed by doomsayers and malthusians. They in turn mislead so many others that we end up with nightmares like eight years each of Slick Willy, Bombasic Barry, and [yikes] Slick Hillie.