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Prickly City

Prickly City

By Scott Stantis
Gary Varvel

Gary Varvel



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Views of the World

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Tom Toles

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Scott Stantis

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Jeff Stahler

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Mike Luckovich

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Jen Sorensen

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Pat Oliphant

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Wee Pals

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Super-Fun-Pak Comix

Super-Fun-Pak Comix

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Speed Bump

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Origins of the Sunday Comics

Origins of the Sunday Comics

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Mutt & Jeff

Mutt & Jeff

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Moderately Confused

Moderately Confused

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Liberty Meadows

Liberty Meadows

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Li'l Abner

Li'l Abner

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Last Kiss

Last Kiss

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Jane's World

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For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

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Frank and Ernest

Frank and Ernest

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Edge City

Edge City

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The K Chronicles

The K Chronicles

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The Knight Life

The Knight Life

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Hutch Owen

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Get Fuzzy

Get Fuzzy

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Peanuts Begins

Peanuts Begins

By Charles Schulz


By Charles Schulz
Bloom County 2019

Bloom County 2019

By Berkeley Breathed
The Academia Waltz

The Academia Waltz

By Berkeley Breathed


By Tony Cochran
Bloom County

Bloom County

By Berkeley Breathed
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson
The Boondocks

The Boondocks

By Aaron McGruder


By Garry Trudeau
Bo Nanas

Bo Nanas

By John Kovaleski
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller
Stone Soup

Stone Soup

By Jan Eliot
Tom the Dancing Bug

Tom the Dancing Bug

By Ruben Bolling
Ted Rall

Ted Rall



By Bill Amend
FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend
Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

By Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger

Recent Comments

  1. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    “Don’t they normally name a building after someone, when they have died???” Curtis and Staton come from comic books and there is a long tradition in comic books of naming buildings or streets in honor of past creators on the feature. Metropolis has had numerous buildings named after Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster, Wayne Boring and others, and Gotham has all manner of Kane, Finger, Robinson, Adams, O’Neil and even Breyfogle buildings and streets.

  2. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    “Don’t they normally name a building after someone, when they have died???” Curtis and Staton come from comic books and there is a long tradition in comics of naming buildings or streets in honor of past creators on the feature. Metropolis has had numerous buildings named after Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster, Wayne Boring and others, and Gotham has all manner of Kane, Finger, Robinson, Adams, O’Neil and even Breyfogle buildings and streets.

  3. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I have been a fan of Joe Staton’s artwork for years. I think the first time I saw it was the very first Green Lantern story he drew way back in 1977. In my opinion, this is the best work of his career, and maybe the best that this strip has ever looked.

  4. over 15 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    actually this doesn’t seem to be a reference to the PBS show, which didn’t have “The” in the title, but rather something specific to University of Texas. You probably have to have been a student there at the time this strip was drawn in order to really get the joke

  5. about 16 years ago on Agnes

    Some days I feel like the best thing I could do to leave the world a better place would be to just stay in bed.

  6. about 16 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    I work at Wendy’s and, actually, people ordering burgers without a bun isn’t that unusual. There’s even a key for it on the register. What’s really noteworthy about this strip is that Breathed later redrew it as a Bloom County Sunday page.