Cat lying on back t2

BJIllistrated Premium

Happy fairly healthy boomer, wanna be cartoonist, and all round lover of life. My furry friends are my companions on this journey. Outgoing, and loves to read comments from my friends here on Go Comics.

Recent Comments

  1. about 20 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    Sorry for the bad day. There’s always next year.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    My Dad, may he rest in peace, was NOT perfect, but about as close as you can come to it. What more could I ask for? He was very involved in his kids lives. Church going but not prechy, a hard worker. Taught us how to enjoy the outdoors, camping and fishing, etc. Forgiving, but stern, never hit us although I’m sure it took an army of angels to hold him back.

  3. about 20 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    I’m guessing there was a spark of Lucille Ball showing in her when she was a kid. Am I close Amanda??

  4. 2 days ago on Amanda the Great

    A/C in cars can be expensive to fix or replace. Maybe try one of those mini fans on the dashboard? Me, I turn on the AC at the slightest sign of sweat…don’t want my cats to be uncomfortable now do I!

  5. 4 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Love the natural products to take care of weeds. Thank goodness I don’t have to deal with that anymore. Our grounds where I live a groomed daily by crews. It’s not called “The Park” for just anything :-) Public Announcement here….If you or a loved one ever used Roundup to kill weeds, then, even after years, experienced cancer, you or they, are entitled to a cash benefit.

  6. 5 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Ah…back in the day when you could let a dog hang it’s head out the window once in awhile :-) Now days if you look in the rear view mirror only to see your dog doing that you have to stop the car and re-hook up the doggie to it’s seat belt.

  7. 6 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Put me in the “decades” line…

  8. 8 days ago on Amanda the Great

    I agree with Dan here. I’m the one who choses my seat, for many reasons…see a variety of comments above and pick one :-)

  9. 10 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Ugh….hate it when I do that to myself. Start blaming myself for whatever situation that occured when I most likely was not the main cause. Talk it out with Danny. I’m sure he will help put things in perspective.

  10. 11 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Maybe you could use your arms and hands to draw this comic? Can’t help you with the legs. Maybe try some dance moves under the drawing table?