Cat lying on back t2

BJIllistrated Premium

Happy fairly healthy boomer, wanna be cartoonist, and all round lover of life. My furry friends are my companions on this journey. Outgoing, and loves to read comments from my friends here on Go Comics.

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  1. about 17 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    Did she run out of ink???? Call the ink supplier STAT! Oh well, I got nuthin but time now……..tick,tick,tick,tick

  2. 4 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Sorry about that. Sometimes it’s for the best, like my ex. Still best friends after 20+ years apart.

  3. 5 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Are you sure of that? Many women have a possibly misconcived notion that men like that. Probably perceived by TV and movies. If you tell her you’d prefer she not wear it (in a loving way) she might change her mind about wearing it, or so much of it anyway.

  4. 5 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    I’m sure it does. I live in a senior living facility, and I have no interest in watching the movies they offer in the “theater” room. My TV is now to large as it is, what with these places being smaller than my old apartments.

  5. 8 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Yes, you’re right when you consider it in the larger scheme of things. I’m old now and have earned my right to have things the way I want them. That said, messing with your day time routine shouldn’t be a big deal, unless you have a schedule to keep, which I often do.

  6. 8 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Yes, you can do alot for your mate, but that can be reversed pretty fast. Any loving couple normally takes care of the other. The makeup and hair is done mostly for you so that she can stay attractive for you. She could always hire a hunky plumber to do it.

  7. 9 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Yes…see my comment below. I’m hoping this new change coming in April will correct many of these issues….or not….

  8. 9 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Says you..I look forward to reading them 1st thing in the morning. The rest of the days is consumed in other ways…like playing games on my computer, or watching TV :-)

  9. 10 days ago on Amanda the Great

    We all know that Amanda was sending a coffee break vibe to Dan, so that he would ask her instead of her hitting him with a drawing pen or something. Dan must have been deep in thought to have missed it…

  10. 13 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Sounds like it’s worth trying :-)