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  1. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Ya gotts ta admit, life would be boring without the Krystals of the world. They are nice to look at, know they are bods, not brains, and subsequently take much better care of themselves physically. They don’t take themselves too seriously, like too many men and women today with their shallow, media-fed thinking. If I had a choice between lying down at night next to a tense, a career track psuedo-intellect or a warm babe that likes nothing better than shopping for new bikinis, I’d take the bikini. Sorry ladies …

  2. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Most “news” in the US is simply low-grade entertainment. Some of us who prefer not to have our thinking shaped by media do not even own television sets. Try it. Turn off the tube (or do what I did, throw it away). There will be a period of withdrawal, but in time brief snatches of independent thinking will occur. In my case, after about a year television could no longer hold my attention when I would visit homes where it was on and being watched. In fact, the people who sat and watched TV were no longer interesting to me. Remember, all TV - even TV News - has a hidden agenda …

  3. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    I have only one thing to say to all you wind-bags, and I’m certain Zipper would agree with me: Yo … Dude!

  4. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    tsk, tsk, tsk … Tiger Woods just showed us that he is unable to behave like an adult and keep it in his pants. We should do with Woods what we do with any professional athlete suffering from arrested development - ignore him; totally, completely, 100 percent remove him from pop-culture by ignoring him and his cutsy-poo bimbos. And while we are at it, leave the woman and two children he disappointed alone to heal. ‘nuff said.

  5. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    I would like to remind the likes of RenoMike, who chastises us “RIGHT WING DELUSIONALS” and accuses us of “… futile ranting”, that 9/11 was six years in the planning and was set in place while Clinton (a Democrat) was in office. Same thing is happening now; an army is being imported into this country while Obama encourages us to look the other way. Skip the jargon, avoid calling people “dumbasses” and use language intelligently to make your point and perhaps, just perhaps, we will consider your point of view. Until then, I will only ask you if your DD-214 lists an Honorable discharge; and what arena did you serve in when you did your military time? Or are you one of those light in the shorts kind of guys that thought you got away with something by not serving?

  6. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Watch, my friends. Obama will leave the White House with his Swedish trinket. Shortly after that we’ll get nuked and wonder why the hell we didn’t listen to Dub-ya. Do you honestly think Iran would be shaking a nuclear stick at us if a Republican were in office? Wake up. You can’t make peace with people who have declared war on you and vowed to wipe you off the face of the Earth. Obama was good at only one thing, getting elected.