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Looks like the husband is mesmerized by Yenny’s ahem candles.
This is a public forum. Freedom of speech and expression. If you don’t like something, ignore it.
If the joke is to make fun of Yenny’s large derrière then the caption on her shorts should read, “space for sale” rather than “for sale by owner”.
BTW, this is a cartoon, not real life but for some it seems that they have no life.
Phatts California just proved that Yenny’s scheme will get her the short short dress in no time.
Thanks TravelerMarjorie for the translation!
@Madhatter1903 I’m sure the foot fandom thing will continue. Bombers is here and he never shuts up about that stuff.
@Dave Alvarez – Where’s my book?!
What’s going on with the “Art of Yenny” pdf?!?!
Come on! The book is more than TWO MONTHS overdue.
I’m willing to cut some slack but this is “taking a mile” for giving an inch.
How hard is it to e-mail a pdf?!
Yenny comes back like the electricity in Greater Antilles during a hurricane.
…and it’s been TWO MONTHS since Yenny’s birthday and there hasn’t been a sighting of a copy of “The Art of Yenny.”
I’ll boost your self-esteem Yenny!
LMAO! Good one patriotfire! Even better if you wrote
“Well, that problem solved itself. …Nachos?”
Hey Dave where are those “Art of Yenny” books!!!
Love the view. I’ll be there in a se…
Looks like the husband is mesmerized by Yenny’s ahem candles.