No bio available
Will Rogers said it best, “I don’t belong to an organized political party, I’m a Democrat.”
How did the plumber know that the horse (Lucy) was a her?
Isn’t it interesting where Beals signed his name in relationship to Roger considering the diarrhea comment?
Guess we know what part of his anatomy is sick.
Actually a kilometer is 62.1% of a mile, not 66%, so he would not have been 1/3 or 33% shorter. 38%(roughly) is much closer to 3/8 or .375 so the fraction should be 3/8.
Field Station Berlin in the 1970s
Field Station Berlin in the 1970’s
Considering the sub freezing weather and blizzards many are currently getting; I thank God for global warming.
Is she inferring she is usually not alone in the bathroom?
I remember when they were metal and you had to pull a lever on top of the tray to free the ice.
Will Rogers said it best, “I don’t belong to an organized political party, I’m a Democrat.”