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King “Fink”, you nobody left in the dungeon ?
Fang, you forgot one item. Have your cell phone handy,
just in case, you have to call 911 and/or Eno’s next of kin.
Fang, just relax. The zit is trying to turn into Eno’s “third eye” so hopefyully he will be less clueless.
And in the next scene, the firefighters arrive.
Was that a compliment or an insult ?!
Becareful Fink, the Padre’s Boss might pay you back with something worse.
It is like. “I do not think so.” You made the mistake and you will correct it and leave me out of this (mess).
How many dogs really care that it was “improved” ? I think that is it really for the owners instead.
Leave him alone, he probably just done “plowing” the back forty.
King “Fink”, you nobody left in the dungeon ?