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  1. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Thank God for Cowboys!

  2. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    I think the point of this strip is that Utah, along with Texas, deserved a CHANCE to play for the national title, not that they were neccesarily better than Florida. I agree. NCAA football has become an exhibition sport rather than an athletic contest, where the point is to crown a champion.

  3. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Placing this scene at a northern school would require a thought process and some effort, both of which seem to be in short supply with the media these days. It’s easier just to stereotype. Just like southerners are almost always portrayed as racist, uneducated bumpkins in TV and movies. The really unfortunate part is many people beleive this as gospel because they saw it on the internet or TV.

  4. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Race/Ethnicity can never be considered a qualification, if it is that’s just as racist as not hiring blacks because they’re black! Two wrongs do not make a right.This is the reason we have many unqualified judges and other public sector employees, as well as private sector, because affirmative action does not work! This type of thing can only serve to rekindle old bitterness between races. I completely agree that there should be no racial distinction in hiring under any circumstances, but we cannot continue to outsource our sense of compassion to others, i.e. the government or the NCAA. If one feels that this has occured they should call, write or e-mail the offender directly as this is osmething that cannot be legislated with any effectiveness.

  5. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    So, navy bean, what do you propose they do, put hiring quoatas out for black coaches? Who are you going to mandate that has to hire minority coaches? What happens if the programs tank? Who will make it up to the schools? Will you then mandate that they cannot be fired, even if they go 0-12? This is the next logical step in a very illogical process, that has already screwed up both the private and public sectors by putting people in key positions because of their skin color rather than qualifications. And the anti-southern bias here is obvious, but that seems to be OK.

  6. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    I enjoy Tank quite a bit generally, but this line is as lame as they come!Hiring black, or any other minority, coaches is a non-issue with 98% of those involved with college football, only a few liberals in the media who have a moral superiority complex. Hire the best qualified, not the right skin color. By the way guys, there’s plenty of racism to go around in the north without stereotyping southerners, but that would require original thinking.