victor59 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin would be arrested today for half the things he does. Isn’t it great to live in a PC dictatorship?

  2. about 16 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Maybe Israel needs to change the symbol on their flag from a couple of triangles (it has nothing to do with King David) to a Hammer and Sickle?

  3. about 16 years ago on Birdbrains

    Danged lazy American women…

  4. about 16 years ago on ViewsAfrica

    Wow, looks like the Stuka Blitz of Warsaw….er, wait, that can’t be, can it?

  5. about 16 years ago on ViewsBusiness

    Go ask the Trailer Park Boys what to do, I’m sure Bubbles will have better ideas than your MP’s.

  6. about 16 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Hey, don’t you people know that if you criticize anything Israel does, you are an anti-semite Nazi? Even though the Palestinians are semites? Killing women and children only matters if they are Israeli, don’t you get it?