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Garfield once said “Show me a good mouser, and I’ll show you a cat with bad breath.”
I believe Wiley is poking fun at himself with “the incident” where he hid a vulgar comment about Trump in the strip. He got dropped from several newspapers, lost his home, and had to move. It was pretty bad.
Raymond Richard, abbreviated GRRM who wrote Game novels that were adapted to Game of Thrones.
Why is Flo’s head covered with… whatever that is that she is wearing.
The Democrats control the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Oval Office. So, how do you explain nothing getting done?
I thought Melinda Marcos was the one with the gazillion shoes.
“Summer Love” was a song by Neil Diamond featured in the movie “The Jazz Singer”.
LA in this context stands for Los Angelis.
He is a point guard for the LA Lakers.
These are re-runs from 2017.
Garfield once said “Show me a good mouser, and I’ll show you a cat with bad breath.”