
TexTech Free

First off, my screen name. I am a Texan working in a technical field. I did NOT attend Texas Tech. I went to a real university in Texas. Born and grew up in Houston, then spent about 24 years in Austin, back to Houston, and then in Indiana, first time to live outside of Texas. Back to Austin ten years and now 26 months (as of late August, 2021) in Miami, FL. Work keeps me moving around. I am now on my way to North Carolina. While only living in three states, I have passed through or visited 35-40 of the lower 48 states. I have missed the Big Sky country (Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana) and upper New England states. As should be obvious from my comments, I am a yellow dog Democrat with views on social justice based on the teachings of all the great religious teachers. I love music of most types. Not opera. I can tolerate some C&W. Have heard very little rap I can tolerate. My music is traditional Blues and 60s-70s rock. Also like classical and easy listening.

Recent Comments

  1. about 10 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    They are going to be much busier in the future. The end of the Chevron deference has effectively neutered federal agencies and hundreds of corporations will now be bring cases to the court questioning rules set by whatever agency irks them the most. The floodgates have been opened and we are going to have nine people who are not experts in all the things these agencies regulate deciding what is best for the country. Like those conservative yo-yos know what is a safe level of cyanide in drinking water and yet the EPA is no longer able to make that determination. Instead, the court wants Congress, another group of non-experts in all matters, to write laws with that level of detail. It is totally ludicrous.

  2. about 18 hours ago on Shoe

    Going commando, is he?

  3. 2 days ago on B.C.

    I was wondering if this was a new character as she looks like neither Jane nor Grace.

  4. 2 days ago on Luann

    My wife and I are also in our 70s and we have zero televisions in our house. We ditched the cable during the rancorous 2008 election cycle and finally dumped our old CRT television around 2012 or so. We do have a bunch of computers and my wife watches YouTube videos and some British mystery shows on her computer. She also plays conventional card/board games online as well. I mostly read news and the political email I get. Have not missed TV since we got rid of it. BTW, we are paying for cable as part of apartment “benefits” which we don’t use, except for internet access.

  5. 2 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Not so blissful freedom for me. Right after the last day of school (which went until the usual end time of 3:30 pm), I went and delivered the afternoon newspapers on my paper route. Just like I had been doing all school year and would be doing every day in the summer. Yes, I had time off but I always had to keep an eye on the time and get to my paper route on time.

  6. 4 days ago on Tank McNamara

    I always thought baseballs were covered with horsehide. Guess I’ve been wrong lo these many years.

  7. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    What is this penny-ante Windows/Mac/Linux stuff? I’m talking about a real operating system, z/OS. ;-}

  8. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Do you believe the Buddah existed? Biographical information did not come out until centuries after his supposed death. How about Lao Tzu? Some scholars think the Art of War is just a compilation of ancient Chinese battle wisdom with his name attached, if he even existed. If you accept the life of either of these examples, among others, then you would have to allow for the possibility of Jesus having existed.

  9. 5 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I am not into the “Jesus is God” thing but I find the teachings useful. But if the figure of Jesus was not based on a real person, why would someone write about a figure that would antagonize the Romans and put the author’s life at risk? To me that makes about as much sense as saying someone “chooses” to be gay. Why do something that can get you killed? While the writings may have come long after the life of the man Jesus, they were very probably based on a long oral tradition. Go ask a Native American shaman about his/her people and they can tell you about things that happened hundreds or thousands of years ago to their people. Illiteracy being high in the time of Jesus, the oral tradition was the most common way of passing along almost any and all knowledge.

  10. 5 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I fought the Linux last week and, well, I think we came to a draw.