
TexTech Free

First off, my screen name. I am a Texan working in a technical field. I did NOT attend Texas Tech. I went to a real university in Texas. Born and grew up in Houston, then spent about 24 years in Austin, back to Houston, and then in Indiana, first time to live outside of Texas. Back to Austin ten years and now 26 months (as of late August, 2021) in Miami, FL. Work keeps me moving around. I am now on my way to North Carolina. While only living in three states, I have passed through or visited 35-40 of the lower 48 states. I have missed the Big Sky country (Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana) and upper New England states. As should be obvious from my comments, I am a yellow dog Democrat with views on social justice based on the teachings of all the great religious teachers. I love music of most types. Not opera. I can tolerate some C&W. Have heard very little rap I can tolerate. My music is traditional Blues and 60s-70s rock. Also like classical and easy listening.

Recent Comments

  1. about 20 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Let’s not tarnish the good name of all of the judicial branch. Plenty of them are doing their best to stand up to our dictator in the making. Sadly, Trump appointed enough judges to badly taint the well of justice. And Republican whine about “activist” judges!

  2. about 20 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    Carlin was always right. It just took us a long time to catch up with him.

  3. about 20 hours ago on B.C.

    What does FaceBook have to do with this? ;-}

  4. 2 days ago on Non Sequitur

    What does the deficit have to do with fraud and corruption? The problem with the deficit is that some fools keep shutting down the income stream. It is hard to pay down the deficit when you have less money coming in. Would you try to pay off your debts (assuming you have some) by taking a job that pays less? That seems to be the Republican plan with all their tax cuts.

  5. 2 days ago on Non Sequitur

    No, it is called citing references from a reliable source. That is why it looks the same. They are all referring back to the Fact Check article and quoting from it. It is not some grand conspiracy. It is what news organizations do.

  6. 2 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a perfect example of that Heinlein quote. A German pastor who ran an underground seminary that the Nazi party would have have approved of, he eventually was part of a plot to assissinate Hitler. He saw that Hitler’s evil was so great that the greater good would be served by killing him. Bonhoeffer was arrested and sent to the camps where he was executed.

  7. 2 days ago on Luann

    The front seat of the 1965 Impala worked just fine.

  8. 2 days ago on Luann

    Stress does seem to be a huge problem for people who really want to have a baby. We have heard many times about folks who finally give up, relax, adopt, and BINGO, she’s pregnant. Once the pressure is off, nature is able to take its own course. I have read that many women in sports stop ovulating during times of competition. Most likely because of stress.

  9. 3 days ago on Shoe

    Makes me think of the saying, “To err is human but it takes a computer to really screw things up.”

  10. 3 days ago on Shoe

    I don’t know which kills more companies, bad internal management or the vulture-capitalists who buy controlling interest, sell off anything of value and then let the rest of the company die a slow death.

    My late FIL worked for a company that suffered the first fate. This company had been business for over a hundred years. Then the old management thought maybe they needed to modernize so they hired a few MBAs to improve the company. One of the first things they said was, the successful business model you have been using for 100 years doesn’t work. So they changed everything around and the company was gone in about five years. The problem was that this was a specific retail industry and these yahoos did not know or understand the business. You cannot always blindly apply the rules you learned in school. They need to be adapted to each different situation. Apparently these bean counters missed that lecture.