It’s simple supply and demand. Organic food costs more because organic farming is less efficient and produces less crop. It is also generally a higher quality crop, which raises the demand as well. Lower supply + higher demand = higher prices.
Looks like Anne is getting a little payback for Elly’s “diet lecture” from 2 weeks ago…
Actually, ammonia is a very effective (and common) dog repellent as dogs cannot stand its smell. While ammonia is rather toxic, a dilute solution (only a very little ammonia is needed) shouldn’t cause the dog any harm. In any case, actually spraying the dog isn’t necessary since it’s the smell that is the deterrent.
Of course, other, safer substances can be used as well. Cayenne pepper (as recommended by BigHug), vinegar, or citrus fruit are also effective because dogs don’t like their smells either.
Smartone2000–that’s typical of Amend and FoxTrot. It’s always worth watching the backgrounds as there are often details like the moving banana or other “inside” jokes. Part of the fun!
“McGuire credits HRs to Cartoonist’s Coaching.” At the time of this strip, the chemical element wasn’t public. In retrospect, Bill Amend may wish he had chosen a different athlete.
doggie doo!? eewww!