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Recent Comments

  1. about 12 years ago on Garfield Minus Garfield

    Van Gogh didn’t cut off his entire ear, just a piece from the top part of the lobe.

    Also he gave it to a prostitute, not a woman he loved. In the end the brothel alerted the community and they put him in an institute for the mad.

  2. about 12 years ago on Baldo

    Hm well in my school and all the schools I’ve ever been to we still sign in the yearbooks.

    I’ve honestly never seen this method…

  3. over 14 years ago on Garfield

    Its actually feliz navidad smart people!

  4. about 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I don’t like the genius thingy becuase now I can’t see comics 7 days old, absurd! I kinda like the new layout….I guess. Also Calvin’s dad should now this, “Tis the mind that makes the body rich,” Petruchio* *for those who don’t know he is a character fro William Shakespear’s Taming of the Shrew, and for the grown ups who don’t know this…I am only 12 and in 7th grade, ha ha!

  5. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    Does anyone know if Garfield minus garfield is back?

  6. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    The spider is just asking for it.

  7. about 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Tigers are my fave animals Calvin and don’t you forget that.

  8. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    Now it’s spider plastic surgery time!

  9. about 15 years ago on Garfield Minus Garfield


  10. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    Get a life!