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It’s Spock!!!
Good luck, Fish!
I just realized, for yesterday’s comic, Brewster in the last panel reminds me of Dark Helmet! “What’s the matter Colonel Sanders? Chicken?”
How on earth did he die though? I saw the panel but didn’t get the reference with the heartbeat machine and everything.
I really don’t get robots. I just about every movie, they have their most important circuits in their head, the most vulnerable part. one shot there, and they go bye bye. But then, why don’t people have brains in their chests? Hmm…
She a switch!
Ahh, Star Trek…
I don’t get it. I used the translator, and it said it can’t be translated. What’s going on?
Their fates were SEALED! snickers
Interesting. Who came up with that one I wonder?
It’s Spock!!!