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  1. about 15 years ago on Cathy Classics

    I don’t understand why so many people read this comic and then post about how much they hate it and how awful she is.

    You take a simple little joke and turn it into a tirade about the “dehumanization” and destruction of Christmas. Have you never READ Cathy before? She is the befuddlement we ALL feel about the holidays, our weight, our jobs , relationships, and modern life. If you read her comics from the 70s until now you will see a treasure trove of social commentary about the changing nature of relationships, the workplace, the roles and status of women, technology, and all kinds of other things.

    If you are so sour that you cannot see humor in a comic strip, stop reading it! You only have one life to live, why are you wasting it whining about a cartoon instead of doing something productive or at least something that brings you happiness?, I have been reading Cathy for years and years, and it bugs me after I have my daily laugh to see you all tearing it down and degrading it. Have you nothing better to do? Lighten up!