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Dirty Dragon Free

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  1. about 12 hours ago on Overboard

    I don’t think this is the Green Ship pirates, just some folks out on their wooden-hulled, wind-driven three master.

    Good morning, crew!

  2. about 12 hours ago on Tank McNamara

    A misnomer, most Cub fans don’t think all that much about the White Sox regardless of how they’re doing. White Sox fans? Now there’s some acute ‘little brother’ syndrome going on there.

  3. about 12 hours ago on Gasoline Alley

    “Men love scrambled.” Have we figured out if this is a Tom Cat or a Sue Cat yet?

    - – - -

    A full ration of classic comics is back on the menu at the Tweeterville Diner, and the narrator dishes it up for the 26th:

    If getting Sally mad wasn’t bad enough, now the Rangers (and Skeezix) have a new rival club to deal with, and this one’s for the girls.

    McCall tells Rick all about his successful career as a reporter, and how he steadily worked his way up the line, crusading against government corruption. But things are starting to get rough.

    Brenda is back with The Flash, but also back to her second-class status as Livwright shows a “girl” reporter her place by having her schlep out to the airport to pick up a returning Chug-Chug. Waldo the Aardvark is out, and Eliza the Walrus is in. A walrus??? G’wannnnn…

    Joel and Rufus are back! And they have Slim and Clovia’s wedding present. News doesn’t travel fast down at the city dump, unless someone from the trailer park wraps their trash in a recent newspaper.

  4. 1 day ago on Bozo

    and/or the one, the only, Groucho!

  5. 1 day ago on Overboard

    Teach him underhand, he’ll at least get some halfway respectable distance.

    Or go to a sporting event and ‘pirate’ the hot-dog cannon…

    Good morning, crew!

  6. 1 day ago on Wallace the Brave

    And just imagine how stinky those feet are by now. Poor pavement.

  7. 1 day ago on Arlo and Janis

    I come from a time when “conserving phone charges” meant keeping your long-distance calls under 10 minutes.

  8. 1 day ago on Bozo

    Very nice!

  9. 1 day ago on Bozo

    2 – “Of course you realize… THIS MEANS WAR!”

  10. 1 day ago on Gasoline Alley

    Pretty sure a cat will just sniff at those breakfast foods, Rachel (Gertie) is going to have to come up with a Fancy Feast, fast!

    - – - -

    Those full Sunday pages are so much fun, but so long to ‘edit’, lol – it’s another 3-part classics update for the 25th, but today we deal Rick out:

    Walt wants young Skeezix to start planning for a career, and it turns out he wants to grow up to be just like Wilmer Bobble. The phoney nickel is passed from a cop with questionable ethics to an organ grinder. I think the monkey might have the sense to just take the loss and junk the worthless coin.

    And the least of them shall lead us: Maybe it would have worked out anyway, but Pesky actually has an idea for a scheme – that works! Our Brendaverse is not going for a major renovation.

    Walt is always hiring attractive secretaries who attract all the younger men in the factory… leaving our patriarch slowly pounding out his own correspondence. He should have let Phyllis pick ’em.