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  1. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Where is Graceland and Never Never Land?

  2. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Mr. Wiley PRO, “You do know that these are fictional characters, don’t you?” If you knew anything about Mr. Miller’s work, you would understand that these characters are not fictional. Net1360, Captain Eddie is telling the truth, he is an ex NASA space ship captain. He was there!

    Former Republican President Richard Nixon, developed a “Disinformation Unit” within the United States government to hide the Republican Party’s affiliation with Satan. [Jesus doesn’t want us going to the moon!] Defectors from this rogue agency are sworn to secrecy, on penalty of death. The only option they have to tell the world what truly happens is to become comic strip illustrators.

    Captain Eddie’s story is supported by another former Disinformation Officer, John Deering who yesterday addressed some of Captain Eddie’s problems on the moon in his strip Strange Brew (020309).

    Mr. Wiley PRO and Net1360, if neither of you are going to take this strip seriously, I must demand that you stop viewing it as well as commenting.

    You will all have to excuse me now. General Elvis has just ordered me and Dilbert to board the space ship. We’re handing out Bibles on the planet Mars and must disengage the unholy Mars rovers!

    PS Rosedragon, Garfield is an undercover agent who has been working for me for some time. His mission has been to get me under the covers of the media. He’s done a very poor job, I might add.