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- about 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes
almost 16 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
Actually it’s a myth he got bad grades. He was decidedly average in math, and very good at science. When he went to post-secondary he failed a math class because the instructor didn’t like him, but that was all. He retook it and passed.
almost 16 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
“You mean like this:
If a man lies with man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Leviticus 20:13
Or this:
a blessing on anyone who seizes your babies and shatters them against a rock! Psalm 137:9
Or this:
I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies. Psalm 139:22”
AMEN Valis616! You are forgetting one passage from Romans that advises banning Gays from the community as well as this gem:
Psalms 79:6: “Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name.” which calls for genocide against anyone or any country that does not agree, or is even aware of the existence, of Christianity.
almost 16 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
“However, let’s not forget that while C & H is a rather amusing cartoon, it is NOT a deep examination of life, religion, and ethics.”
Have you read ANY of the “sled/wagon” comics where Calvin and Hobbes talk about life, religion, ethics, etc. while flying downhill? I read C&H precisely BECAUSE it is a deep examination of life, religion, and ethics
almost 16 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
cleokaya says:
“You have made your points on religion. Drop the debate it’s becoming irritating. Take your soap box down the street. And I am talking about both sides.”
I have as much issue with reading post after post demanding people stop commenting about religion as you do with the religious debate. We can say whatever we want. If you don’t like it you have the right to go “down the street”. You do not have the right to make us stop, so don’t even try. Besides, religion is an appropriate topic considering the nature of the last few strips.
Banana banana banana. - see? Whataver I like.
almost 16 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
So what you’re saying is that someone who lived and died as, let’s say, a native of south america 1000 years ago will be judged differently by god? There is no mention of that in the bible. In fact it explicitly states that EVERYONE will go to heaven if they believe in Jesus.
What if a person who just happened to be a christian killed someone in my family? That would be enough for me not to believe. Is that then reason enough for ME to go to hell- after all, I do not believe in Jesus. Further, if he was a christian than he would go to heaven and I would go to hell, even though it was his fault that I was not a believer.
There are too many logical fallacies in religion. There are none from an atheist’s point of view- just questions.
No, he’s right. You can’t go beating people up for no reason- you’ll get arrested. I never understood that about school.
As an adult the relationships are advanced enough that bullying is generally frowned upon by everyone, including the bully, introspectively. So it’s a lot less common.