What is on the chimney? Footprints?
I don’t think it’s Marty. Why would he be raising his glass to a cheer? He’s media, not a fan.
Well Henry, you control it. Why are you acting as if you don’t?
“Well that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it Loretta.”
Or Clemson.
It could have been worse; he could have run the wrong way a/la Jim Marshall and Roy Riegels.
You’re correct that Tobias is #7; he’s a running back. (11/15). But I still think that Leo, lefthanded, is, or was, the quarterback .(12/4).
Who is that quarterback? I thought that Leo A., number 7 and lefthanded, was the qb.
Panels 2 and 3 are dizzying.
Love the bird in the pocket.
What is on the chimney? Footprints?