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  1. almost 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Wait… -Zonker- is being the voice of reason and caution? These must surely be the end times.

    Or maybe it’s just the wig…

  2. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Thsoe who keep complaining about Mr. Trudeas not mentioning current events, you should reallize that that is impossible. As much as I would like to see Mr. Trudeau’s take on the election, he writes/draws these things weeks in advance.

    I am fairly certain he’ll start publishing a “current events” story line (written now) when the Republicans start moving in December/January, though. Good opportunity for some old characters to return, and hopefully a few new ones created.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    @Possum Pete - There was a President Nebraska?


  4. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    FriscoLow, what do you mean by “progs”?

    Anyway, in my 20 years of service in the Navy (and I have no doubt that the other branches are any different), coffee is around no matter whether the talk is serious or not. For senior NCOs (which the chaplain isn’t, of course), it’s practically a uniform item.

  5. over 15 years ago on The Boondocks

    Which half, though?

    “Is the glass half empty, half full, or twice as large as it needs to be?” – Author Unknown
