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3hourtour: So right you are!
So touching!
Pab, I like the fact that you participate on here, and I enjoy reading your commentary. Thanks for allowing us the insight into your thoughts.
I think there’s a lot of people praying right along with you now, ladies….
I had a deal with my parents - keep my grades up and I could keep my room as messy as I wanted. What good motivation to study!
@ baslim: LOL! That’s probably the best way to get even. Jason would never live that down!
Absolutely hysterical! “At least she’s a good bowler” LOL!
I had to laugh at every panel reading this! It’s even funnier now than when it came out originally!
Be careful with that CFL bulb - it contains mercury, which is hazardous! Make sure you bring it to a proper disposal location when it’s burnt out too. Or else leaking mercury from lots of bulbs in landfills will be a big problem for everyone.
Maybe he should stop waiting for a girl, and finally ask out the cute one he works with that he likes so much.
3hourtour: So right you are!