Neil young  album

nihongojoe Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Everyone seems to have forgotten that terrorists did in fact hijack planes and use them as weapons. I have flown many, many times since then and I will gladly deal with an extra 5 minutes (yes 5 MINUTES) of security checks to try to avoid another catastrophe. Conspiracy theorists: enjoy your bunkers and canned food while I’m out traveling the world sampling regional quisine.

  2. about 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I love how he chose the name “Barney” for his character. I’m surprised Hobbes didn’t edit in a cameo for himself somewhere.

    On a side note, I just registered for this forum, I love forums and I love C&H. I get the impression that our friend TC is not even a person, probably just one of many accounts on many forums that auto-post hate speech that is entirely unrelated to the content. Definitely work to get him banned, and if that doesn’t happen just ignore. He doesn’t reply to anything once he posts (I think), so he’s probably not even reading.