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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I recently started getting this little “search” icon on the C&H strips. Usually on the last panel. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? It’s annoying.

  2. almost 12 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    in the sixth panel one wonders how he got into that incredibly cute position to get his drink of water.

  3. about 12 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    How boring

  4. about 12 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    That’s a great observation Susan, it sure does look like Susie’s head.

  5. over 12 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    That was Lucy and Charlie Brown

  6. over 12 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Amazing. After reading this strip I had exactly all of the very same thoughts as Hobbes. I would just never be able to articulate them the way Hobbes does. Thanks Hobbes.

  7. about 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Gosh, how can you not love Calvin? He’s a wonderful, adventurous kid.

  8. about 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    One of my favorite C & H threads of all time is the one where Calvin is expressing to Hobbes his doubts about the existence of Santa Claus.

  9. over 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    About the love of twinkies. There is a true story of a college prof putting a twinkie on a ledge on the top of the blackboard… and it stayed there for 30 years and never changed.

  10. over 13 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I was wondering why there were no comments on Pibgorn. It is a bit provacative. as363 explained it.